September 2024 Block of the Month: Wind Power
Check out this month's block, Wind Power by Kathy Petuck!
Stephanie Howes
9/1/20242 min read

Wind Power by Kathy Petuck
A small building with an applique door and a windmill (pinwheel) attached to the roof.
Wind Power Block Finished Size: 8" x 12"
Wind Power Block with Seam Allowance: 8.5" x 12.5"
Suggested fabric:
7* in sq of windmill blade fabric, (1)
7* in sq of sky fabric, (1)
* or 7.5 in sqs if not very confident
4.5 x 1.5 in sky fabric (2 pieces)
4.5 x 6.5 in building fabric (1)
4.5 in scraps for roof triangle
3.75 x 2 in for door, round the top with an object close to 2 in diameter
The windmill top is 4 HSTs. Three sky and windmill fabric, one roof and windmill fabric. Following is one way to make them. Place the 7* inch squares of windmill and sky fabric right sides together. Sew around 3 sides, ¼ inch from edge. Cut across the sewn together squares from corner to corner. (See drawing) This will make the 3 sky/windmill HSTs and two unsewn triangles: a windmill triangle to combine with a roof triangle and an extra sky triangle. triangle and sew them together along the diagonal. Now you have 4 HSTs. Trim the four HSTs to 4.5 inches square and construct the pinwheel as illustrated by the sample blocks.
The lower section is 3 pieces and a door. Sew the 4.5 x 1.5 sky strips to either side of the building body (4.5 x 6.5) Attach to the windmill blade/ pinwheel unit.
Applique door: Either 1) Raw edge applique: reduce size of door piece by ¼ inch except on bottom, and raw edge applique (zig zag or other stitch) to the block, OR 2) Sew door face down onto light weight interfacing, leaving the bottom open. Turn inside out. Sew on to block. (Iron and then sew if you used fusible. With fusible, place the fusible side facing the right side of the fabric when sewing them together, so the glue is on the back after you turn it inside out.) OR 3) Turn under edge by any means that you choose.
( ** It was suggested at the meeting to make the door open and put something. Please feel free.)

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PO Box 724
Lebanon, NH 03766
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