NLQG Events
June 12 In-person meeting, 18 School Street Lebanon - starts at 6:00 PM - Annual Meeting and Potluck
June 24 Sew Together, Kilton Library, West Lebanon, NH 10 AM - 1 PM (conference room near the circulation desk)
July 10 In-person meeting, 18 School Street Lebanon 6:30
August 10 - booth at League of NH Craftsmen show, Sunapee!
August 14 In-person meeting, 18 School Street Lebanon 6:30 PM -
Presentation by Timna Tarr https://www.timnatarr.com/ and ice cream social!
August 30 Set up exhibit, Howe Library, Hanover Noon - 4:30 PM
August 31 through September 25 NLQG Exhibit at the Howe Library, Hanover, NH!
September 26 Take down exhibit, Howe Library, Hanover
January 2025 Zoom Meeting - Dana Jones! https://www.danajonesquilts.com/about
Northern Lights Quilt Guild
PO Box 724
Lebanon, NH 03766
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